Welcome to Asiakare Website

We support the access to Essential Medicines for Patients, Hospitals and Pharmaceutical distributors in Asia Pacific

Welcome to Asiakare Website

We support the access to Essential Medicines for Patients, Hospitals and Pharmaceutical distributors in Asia Pacific

Welcome to Asiakare Website

We support the access to Essential Medicines for Patients, Hospitals and Pharmaceutical distributors in Asia Pacific

Asiakare is a service company helping manufacturers from PICs countries and distributors in Asia Pacific Region to collaborate with the goal of improving the supply of essential medicines.

We provide services in sourcing, special access, registration, distribution and commercialization of essential medicines in Asia Pacific.

Asiakare’s mission is to give access to all essential medicines to the whole Asia Pacific territory while upholding safety, affordability and supply continuity as key values.

Who are we?

Asiakare Ltd. is a company incorporated in Hong Kong with a reach in whole Asia Pacific. Asiakare has be founded by Olivier CESBRON, a french expatriate working in Asia pharmaceutical industry since 2008.

Seeing on how patient and hospital needs were lacking a proper response, we have decided to act and to offer our services supporting the access on essential medicines.


Business Development Services

For Manufacturers of essential drugs looking to expand in Asia Pacific

For Distributors looking to build long term and innovative essential drugs pipeline

Unregistered/Special Access of Medicines

Helping medicines to quickly reach patients in case or shortages, drug unavailability, disasters or orphan diseases

TELEPHONE : +852 9160 5902

EMAIL : enquiries@asiakare.com

Our mission statement

While Asia Pacific is rising as an economic power, access to medicine is still lagging behind and patients/doctors may have poor access to basic yet still essential drugs.

Essential drugs are per definition essential and every patient shall have access to them. Weight of history, lack of commercial interest from multinationals, poor control on quality have led to unrealistic situations where a $10,000 drug is readily available while a life-saving $1 pill or injection is missing !

Our goal is to improve as much as we can the access to essential generic and affordable drugs in this area.